Stream keepers
April 2015-03-31
During the month
of March we finished our tree planting and Willow staking for this year as
spring has sprung so to speak.
A month ago I
heard Frog calling and knew that it was time to plan for an early spring.
With such a warm
winter and very little snow back in the mountains this may become an early dry
summer, now having said that it also may rain from now until August.
As I mentioned
last month about how resistant Spruce trees where and how Beaver proof they
seemed to be, yes seemed to be is the correct, as two Saturdays ago we noticed
that a large Maple planted recently was no longer there? Teeth marks and chips
the size your hand the stump stood lonely amidst the shrub’s.
As we walked
further into the estuary Al asked where is the Mountain Ash, we walked around
the bushes and no tree just a stump then 20 feet further along the bank there
laid a really nice 12 foot Spruce still attached but past its prime.
Today the whole
tree was gone dragged off into the creek for lunch or a new dam. Unperturbed we
planted 4 new Spruce trees which will have wire cages placed around them to
prevent the Beaver taking them also.
Sp as you can see
we face many challenges in our endeavours but persistence pays off.
The last big rain
event we had blew a hole in the big Beaver dam where we place our salvaged fry
in the summer.
After two weeks of
no activity by the Beaver we took bundles of Willow and placed them in the
water upstream to encourage them to build soon before we loose all the stored
water within the upper watershed if this turns out to be a dry year.
In past years it
seemed that when we had a hole the Beaver arrived around May to begin the
I always figured
they where busy with their kits and with good flow they where not worried until
the kits where able to help in the daily chores learning how to survive before
going off to find a new home.
I understand
Beavers are very nurturing taking time to teach and making sure they know what
is what before sending them off.
Down in the
estuary nests are rapidly being built by one and all and the symphony of bird
calls is brilliant to hear a sure sign of re-birth and new life springing
This month we will
put our fish fence in the first week of April to catch the early out migration
though with the hole in the dam I expect counts to be low this year as a lot of
fish will have migrated downstream to the lower reaches already.
This is one
activity that on weekends is an exciting time when the younger volunteers come
along and get that close up look at the fish they rescued last year heading out
to make their epic journey around the north pacific over the next two years to
return as adults to begin the cycle of life once again.
With this past
winters Herring fishery taking the majority of Herring that appeared off
Lantzville and Nanoose Bay all winter, first for the food fishery, meal for
Salmon farms and some for bait then during March they came along every time the
Sea Lions showed up and a big school of Herring arrived they took them this
time for the Roe and fish meal.
When our Chum fry
enter the bay there should be millions of young Herring to feed on and when our
Coho leave also the bay should full of Herring for them to gorge themselves on
before heading out to the open Oceans, first the Salish Sea then the open
Herring are or should I say were the
lifeblood of all marine animals when not too long ago they flooded the whole
coast from San Francisco to Alaska and beyond.
They provide food
for one and all and now just a memory for those who have witnessed such events
as millions of Herring turning the whole coast white with eggs deposited on
anything that does not move. How many remember just a few years ago the beaches
being knee deep in sea weed and grass loaded with eggs rotting for days before
being washed back out to sea feed a whole web of life eagerly awaiting their
turn at the great feast that was Herring spawning time.
For most Herring
are not on the menu but I can assure you they are one of the finest fish you
can eat and are full of healthy oils. First Nations all over the outside coast
have asked for closures on stocks due to over fishing in past years bringing
many localised stocks to the brink of extinction. Many areas no longer have
Herring spawn and other stocks are at such low levels that to say historical
levels would not do them justice as most data on stock size only goes back to
the 50’s and stocks had already collapsed due to over fishing for meal along
with other forage fish.
Recently a study
on Sea Gulls was undertaken to assess why they were in decline by as much as
50%, guess what is the major cause, yes you guessed, lack of fish leading to
low survival of juveniles.
Adults need to
fatten up on Herring and the high energy content of the eggs to be able to lay
strong fertile eggs themselves hatching out strong healthy chicks.
Sea Lions need
lots to head north to breed, Brant Geese need to graze on the Ell grass loaded
with eggs before they too head north to breed.
So as you can see
lots of life depends on Herring not just industry.
Spring is here new
life abounds so get out into the wilds and experience nature at its finest time
when all is in bloom and life is abundant.
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