July Stream
During the month
of June we have salvaged close to 6,000 fry from the lower reaches of Bonnel
Creek as flows became reduced and pools isolated. This year we have gone back
to our original program of capture using dip nets instead of our pole seines
for the small pools. The main reason was stress on the fish from the thrashing
around involved with the pole seines. With the dip nets we can gently capture
the fry with the least amount of stress, this ensures a greater survival rate
and less chance of crushing or otherwise injuring the small fry during capture.
We are using a new release site on the upper Bonnel where flows remain for the
long summer months. This site has the added advantage of having a road though
rough which allows us to back the truck right alongside the stream making the
release of the fry less stressful as all we have to do is empty the tank
directly into the stream.
It is interesting
to watch the released fry as they swim around in there new summer habitat in
what appears to be a re-grouping into there family units as they swim around
then one or two will peel off and swim over to another group then a few more
and it seems they tend to re-group before swimming off to find there own space
in the stream.
At least it seems that
way and it is nice to think that they do find their siblings to continue their
journey to adulthood.
We often hear the
line that fish are not great thinkers and rely more on instinct than thought, “
there brain is smaller than a pea”
“we are way smarter than fish” well yes and no, ask any fly fisherman
who has stalked the river bank trying to catch an illusive Steelhead.
Send off a bunch of humans into
thousands of square kilometres of wilderness and see how many can find there
way home using only there instincts.
Along with the
Wild Salmon fry we also take all other fish present within the drying habitat,
as one species is as important as another for the survival of all.
Stream Keeping is
more than Salmon [in our case wild] it is about all creatures great and small
that inhabit the watersheds, from wild fish to the majestic Elk [of which we do
get a occasional glimpse on our trips into the forest].
All flora and
fauna has the same rights to be allowed to live as best as they can in the ever
reducing habitat left in the wild.
A study released
recently about how the benefits of trees contribute to the overall health of
fish within lakes and streams from not only the amount of bugs that drop into
the water also the amount of leaf debris that enters the system releasing all
that energy contained in the leaf as it decays feeding all kinds of life within
the ecosystem.
We are all aware
by now of the nutrients that Salmon take back into the watershed and in the
aforementioned case now we know how the forest gives back to fish.
regulations regarding setbacks alongside streams and lakes is the bare minimum
set years ago when forestry ruled the day and any loss of cutting ability was
fiercely contested by the logging companies resulting in the bare minimum
protection around the streams and lakes.
Many years ago
there was a big push to remove Alder trees from alongside streams and replant
with conifers. Girdling and falling these important trees was promoted due
mainly to guidelines being followed came from the logging industry and Alder
was not a economical species so was and is still considered by some to be a
weed tree.
You cut down
mature trees 60 feet plus and replace them with 1 foot conifer plugs in a vain
attempt to replace the Alder canopy with conifer’s, yes in another 50 to 100
years you might have some shade back on the stream, in the meantime we loose
all that nutrient load from bugs and leaf drop for the unforeseen future. I
read many years ago that from San Francisco north you had to go all the way to
Bond Sound to find a watershed that had not been logged.
Since then it too
was logged and every other watershed all the way to Alaska, yes even the so
called great Bear rain forest is being heli logged as I write this taking the
last stands from the few remaining intact watersheds, so much for conservation.
The big question I
seem to be asked these days is what do I think will be the result of Alberta
bitumen being shipped to the coast. Pipeline aside [ruptures etc into
watersheds] the question most ask is what impacts will tanker traffic have on
the coast.
My first answer
usually is nothing as long as there is no accident, now having said that we all
know accidents happen to the most safety conscious of us all, that is why they
are called accidents. [ the mantra of Every accident is preventable duh that’s
why they call them accidents]
Yes you can reduce
the risk and buy TV ads that will if shown long enough become truth to the
multitudes who are so busy with there day to day lives they believe that the
companies would not lie to them about the potential risks.
Now flash back not
too long ago when Alaska developed the Prudhoe Bay oil fields with the
consequences of more tanker traffic navigating the coast of Alaska with its
many channels and islands. “Oh we are so good at this by now with double hulled
tankers we have virtually eliminated the risk of a major spill” “ Besides that
we have the most sophisticated spill response equipment and teams, we can clean
it up no problem” as the kids say “NOT”, “WHOOPS” anyone remember Exxon Valdez
March 24 1989 260,000 to 750,000 barrels of oil, so much they have no idea how
much escaped that they give such a wide variation in amounts which still to
this day continues to pollute the environments over 1300 miles of coastline and
11,000 square miles of Ocean. 25
years on and they estimate as much as 20,000 gallons of crude oil still remains
on beaches and rocks etc around Prince William Sound. That was crude a
substance that floats around on the tide, our tankers will be carrying Bitumen
a heavy oil which will sink to the bottom and be virtually impossible to clean
up along with various chemical solvents used to thin the oil so it can be
pumped through the pipes.
So the long answer
is that all life on the coast will suffer in the long run if or should I say
when we have a grounding and the subsequent spill.
So if you have the chance to support the
no pipeline/ tanker traffic campaign then I would suggest you voice your
concerns any way you can over the next few years and what ever do not believe
the brain washing adverts on TV. After all who can remember the forest ads that
told us that forests were forever and anyone who is not blind can see how the
whole coast has been deforested to the point that whole ecosystems have and are
collapsing as the forest vanishes into the pockets of the corporations just
like the oil revenue will with very little benefit to the population. After all
we are not getting cheap fuel out of the oil sands for our own use, no we are
giving it away to the self same corporations who are faceless, one phrase used
to describe the corporations I came across in southern Mexico was Vampires
sucking the very life out of the land leaving nothing but pollution and
environmental destruction as they laugh all the way to the bank at our
collective stupidity for allowing it to happen so remember next year at
election time and vote for your kids and there kids future. As one erudite
fellow said “ Governments are the shadow corporations cast over the populace.
sad to see dfo allowing retention of wild coho in nanoose bay. I WOULD GUESS UP TO 100 WILD COHO WERE KILLED THIS FALL. This is a large number giving the small population from the creeks.