Wednesday, December 5, 2018

With the arrival last night of 3 seine boats off the shores of Lantzville looking to catch Herring now is the time to see a closure on all Herring fishing within the Salish Sea. We talk of the Orca not being able to find enough Chinook while we still deplete the Herring stocks one of the main foods for Chinook. We cannot keep taking the adults in the winter for meal for fish farms then again in the new year for the Roe kill fishery. All first nations around the Salish Sea need to stand together with the support of all others to call on the federal government to stop this the one most destructive fishery we have. No Herring no fish , the Salish Sea is an important rearing and spawning area for many species that rely on the abundance of herring both adults and the young . When our young fry leave the rivers and streams they need those young Herring to feed on. I uno Herring they feed on other less abundant forage fish further depleting those stocks until the day when we see a collapse and closure of all fisheries both commercial and sport. Time for action . Please pass this along to all bands and all public fishing sites. Research and educate to the dangers of this destructive fishery for all species us included.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Winters floods 2017/18

Over the past months heavy rain events have occurred within the watersheds of all the streams we steward. Bonnel Creek has seen volumes exceeding anything we have seen over the past years carrying large and small woody debris flow unlike anything we have seen on this creek. Within the lower estuary reach amounts of debris have accumulated for approximately 200+ meters resulting in the channel being full from bank to bank  up to 2 meters deep. This log jam is within the lower reaches where the bulk of our summer fry salvage program occurs. This year will be very challenging to find and salvage as many wild Coho fry along with all other  species with the pools buried beneath the log jam. We are presently formulating a restoration prescription to resolve as best as possible this task. We are unable to use machinery until all fish are removed  and the stream bed dries usually around July which will be within the fish window for work within a stream making work possible without endangering any fish.  We already have someone who is willing to volunteer some machine time when the time comes. As in the past our projects are volunteer run relying on volunteers to do the work, this project will be beyond the capabilities of hand tools and labour and will require machinery to remove the woody debris from this one of our most venerable habitats for wild Coho and wild chum.

charitable donations

Donate directly to NSKS where you can be sure every dollar donated goes directly to restoring true Wild Salmon habitat.

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